About the Photographer

Steve and his American Quarter Horse “Turn Back Jack”

You may wonder why someone would be interested in boudoir photography. For me, it’s simple. My Mother graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago and painted nudes and abstract nudes her entire life. Growing up as a child, I saw nude pictures on the walls of our home. I spent many days with her at the Art Institute looking at her favorite artists. Being an art historian, she would explain to me what the artist was thinking and the circumstances surrounding the work. As a teen, I was her assistant in helping her set up her exhibitions. The final image in the home page slide show was done by my Mother.

I attended Kendall College, near the Art Institute, and was fortunate to take Humanities from some great professors, putting me back into the Art Institute for many hours. Understanding the background of art makes learning easy and interesting.

Currently, I have a studio in my home. The walls of the studio are painted a photographic gray to make the light as perfect as possible.  My main window faces North, giving a special natural lighting effect to my images. No direct light comes in and the light is very stable. Maybe you noticed the beautiful, soft light on my images.

My photographic equipment is all Sony. For a number of years, they have been the leader in technological advancements in photography. I have their top of the line DSLR camera bodies and lenses available today.

If you look at my work, you will see that it’s all about beauty. I focus on the faces and bodies of my subjects and try to bring out the best features. Surprisingly, some of the models you see here have prominent scars from accidents. I am able to hide them using posing angles and other techniques. I do not correct them with software during post processing of the images. In fact, I do little post processing on any images. If you have any body defects, we will be able to work with those and provide you with gorgeous images.

I have earned degrees from Kendall College in Chicago, Illinois, and North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. I also completed Post Graduate work at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.

I hope that you find my images appealing. Feel free to contact me with questions about booking a session and thank you for visiting the Web site.
